maybes and daydreams

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July 31, 2012

Hotel room nights

Staying in a place far away from home makes me happy, especially when I know that this place is not mine.

July 26, 2012

How to live and how to show it

This wasn't a proper photoshoot, just nice people and a cat enjoying the sunset and me silently taking digital photos of everything because I already finished two rolls of film that day and didn't have another to capture these moments like I normally would have. But still, I really like the outcome.

July 01, 2012

I prefer clouds and beach memories

waiting by the parking lot

fence showing that it's not allowed to go any further because of dangerous environmental issues

our bags and things

Anne collecting stones

the lake and the forest

my shoes when the water was still too cold

Anne and the lake

Lisa finding some pollywogs

a pollywog in Lisa's hands


the creepy werewolf forest



my legs after playing volleyball

the lake from a different angle

Lisa splashing the water for me

my feet when I was finally courageous enough to step into the water (it was freezing and refreshing, great)

path through a forest on my bike ride home

dump on my bike ride home

my village from a hill
We went to a lake nearby and we were alone, because it was cloudy, but not too cold. I've never felt more summery.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag