maybes and daydreams

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December 30, 2011

She loves you...

You know what I mean, Fab Four. Listening to their records while scanning film photos is fun.
I ruined the first roll of my Beirette, and this one was exposed twice (by accident), but I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome. I guess I have to change the lab developing my work, because they often forget to print some of the photos.

December 23, 2011

Keep your eyes on the lights

Merry Chirstmas everyone, I hope you have some wonderful days.

December 20, 2011

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

I do. Because I am not.
Everything about December this year is disappointing. It didn't even snow, which means there was no white new world making me forget about how much I dislike December. I am murdering my time.

December 16, 2011

Sun from autumn

It's time to bring some light into those rainy days.
I tried to collect some sunshine in this jar back in October. Now I'm afraid to open it - I don't want to waste it all at once. Winter is long, and I'm getting colder.

December 12, 2011

Lost days

Listen. When my life is beautiful I never have the time to share it. And then on some cold, boring winter day I find the files on my computer again, dreaming about the good times. Gone.
Above you can see the golden hour of this day. We went to one of my friends' (she has a huge property with plants and trees and a forest and a pond and a barn) and slept in a little cosy garden house. Great memory.

December 11, 2011

One night at (second) home

Lately I'm having little quarrels with the part of my brain which takes control over my photographic art. About the future. Everything is falling apart and I'm still in process of putting it back together again.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag